How Beef Shares Work
After paying your initial deposit, your beef share is secured until final payment.
All cattle will be weighed (live weight) and a final invoice for the Rancher will be issued. Payment is required prior to harvest date being set.
At harvest, your information will be sent to the butcher either Los Gatos Meats or Freedom Meats (your preference), and they will contact you and go over the cut list.
What you can expect from a 1/2 Beef Share - 50% Ground Beef, 30% roasts & 20% steaks.
Freezer Space - General rule is 28 lbs of meat per cubic foot of freezer space.
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Breakdown of Fees for Purchase of Half Share
Steer will weigh approx. 1200-1400 lbs. at weigh-in which is their live weight. ( 1-Steer = 2 Half Shares ).
Live Weigh Fee: $3.20 lb. due to "Ells Cattle Ranch" included in Final Invoice.
Butcher Fee paid to the butcher-$2.25 lb. hanging weight (approx. 60% live weight), prices subject to change per the Butcher.
After harvest, your Half Share will be transported to the butcher. They will call you directly to get your custom cut preferences. Each Half Share yields approx. 220 +/- lbs. of beef. Your share will be ready for pick up approx. 30-45 days. The butcher that we work with is Los Gatos Meats in Los Gatos or Freedom Meats in Watsonville, CA. Their Cut List will be sent with the Final Invoice.
Freezer space needed for each half share = approx. 6-10 cubic feet